IPNetSentry Aged Filters Aged filters are filters which are automatically invoked by IPNetSentry when an outside intruder hits an IPNetSentry trigger. These filters prohibit a remote machine (IP address) from accessing your Macintosh. Through the Aged Filter window you can view all current aged filters. This includes the IP address of the machine which caused the filter entry, the trigger time and date, and the aged filter expiration time and date. Each time the IPNetSentry FBA restarts, it re-loads the IPNetSentry Aged Filter file and restores these aged filters. When an aged filter reaches its expiration time, it is automatically removed from the IPNetSentry Aged Filter file. You must first click on a filter in the aged filter list in order to enable the Expiration popupm menu or the "Set", “Get Info...” or “Remove Filter” buttons. The Expiration popup menu lets you extend or shorten the time an aged filter expires. You first click on an aged filter in the list, choose a time which the filter should expire, and click the "Set" button to set this new expiration time. The "Trace Route..." button will run a trace route on the IP address selected using IPNetMonitor. You must first setup the "Internet" control panel (Internet Config on older Mac OS systems) so that "traceroute" commands are executed by IPNetMonitor. To do this open the Internet control panel, select the "Advanced" tab, click on the "Helper Apps" icon and Add... a new Helper Application. Enter "traceroute" as the type and description. Then "Select" IPNetMonitor as the application which should be the target for traceroute commands. Click "OK" and save these new settings. The “Get More Info...” button will take your browser to a page on our web site where you will find more detailed information about the IP address which triggered IPNetSentry. Specifically you will be provided with the Domain Name and Technical and Administrative contacts for this domain. The “Remove Filter” button will permanently remove the aged filter from the IPNetSentry Aged Filter file. Upon restarting the IPNetSentry FBA, this IP address will no longer be prohibited from accessing your Macintosh. Note: when you open the IPNetSentry Aged Filter window with the IPNetSentry FBA running, then make any deletions to the Aged Filter list, the companion application will automatically quit and then restart the IPNetSentry FBA in order to invoke these changes.